And also to note that though it may not have been so obvious, there was a lot of difficult energy and feelings of fear and guilt around during those what were for you relatively unconscious times, in terms of all you were going through and struggling and dealing with… You may have “hidden” much of the outer appearances of that, but young children without any language, understanding or experience for it, pick up very deeply on the energy and subtle expressions of their parents, environment and circumstances…
None of this is about guilt or its dual corollary blame, all of which is complete illusion… Michael came into this lifetime to heal all of this, exactly as it has been given to him… That is what he is here for… The same as all of us… Too bad most people don’t realize this…
The circumstances for me surrounding the above passage happened a little over 30 years ago, and yet here I am feeling the inexhaustible wonderment of healing because someone was able to see me. To see me as I was without judgement, but with an awareness so penetrating my entire being feels enveloped in Love and Light seemingly unimaginable, but entirely genuine, authentic, palpable, and vibrant.
This has to have been what it was like for the woman at the well in Samaria when Jesus approached her and asked her for a drink. During their exchange, He saw her through all the illusory and dualistic beliefs she mistakenly accepted about herself and her life and she was therefore and thereafter free—a burden lifted and dissipated.
No wonder she ran off in utter amazement and indescribable joy exclaiming “Come, see a man who told me everything I’ve ever done.”
This is our mission!
We are born into this life to heal and be healed—to see and be seen–through all our strife, anxieties, stresses, and messes to the beauty of the Christ that indwells each and every one of us. There is no higher calling and it is one to which we all are called.
This journey only requires that we be . . .
. . . open
. . . listen
. . . in tune
. . . with those with whom we share this walk.
There it is again . . . “we are all just walking each other home.” Can you not see it? Can you not hear it? Do you not feel the urgent expectancy? Can you not feel the awe and reverent holiness? Can you not imagine the realities of this consciousness?
Do this . . . and set the world ablaze with the soothing balm of restoration and peace.