
“Once you have read a book you care about, some part of it is always with you.”  Louis L’Amour

Pandemic Reading

Psalms for PrayingNan C MerrillI once met a minister who would not allow his school age children to eat Lucky Charms cereal or read the Harry Potter series of books because the cereal was “magically delicious” and Harry Potter and friends were wizards and witches. My...

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A Bigger Table

"The distinction between seeing sin and seeing suffering is revelatory if we really let it seep into the deepest hollow of our hearts.  Jesus' default response to the fragile humanity before him is not contempt but compassion."
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Surprised By Hope

"... the gospel of Jesus Christ announces that what God did for Jesus at Easter he will do not only for all those who are "in Christ" but also for the entire cosmos.  It will be an act of new creation, parallel to and derived from the act of new creation when God raised Jesus from the dead."
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Pandemic Reading

Psalms for PrayingNan C MerrillI once met a minister who would not allow his school age children to eat Lucky Charms cereal or read the Harry Potter series of books because the cereal was “magically delicious” and Harry Potter and friends were wizards and witches. My...

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A Bigger Table

"The distinction between seeing sin and seeing suffering is revelatory if we really let it seep into the deepest hollow of our hearts.  Jesus' default response to the fragile humanity before him is not contempt but compassion."
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Surprised By Hope

"... the gospel of Jesus Christ announces that what God did for Jesus at Easter he will do not only for all those who are "in Christ" but also for the entire cosmos.  It will be an act of new creation, parallel to and derived from the act of new creation when God raised Jesus from the dead."
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This web log is dedicated to my cousin, John, without whose technical expertise it would not exist and without whose encouragement I would not have thought I could share in this way.