Late 20’s maybe early 30’s, ginger hair, 5’ 6”, slender and sinewy build, multiple tattoos on his face and arms, numerous piercings with earplugs (the ones that stretch ear lobes, not the ones that dampen sound)—he was my cashier at W-Mart.

While I waited, I marveled at the strategy . . . ingenuity . . . thought process (unsure of the right word) regarding the designs and placements of all his colorful and creative tats. I thought about the cultural acceptance of tattoos now versus when I was growing up. To be honest, I was surprised to see someone as covered with tats as he was at a register and wondered about store policy concerning the visibility of an employee’s ink art.

What do I have in common with this young man? What can I say to him to make a meaningful connection? Will he even respond?

When it was finally my turn, he rang up my purchases very quickly and double bagged some of the heavier items. I commented on how fast he scanned and bagged my items and thanked him for his swift professionalism.

“I learned how to do this in three days,” he exclaimed proudly. “I worked in the back for five years and learned this in three days.”

“Wow, that’s a big change. You’re doing a really great job.”

He smiled and wished me a good night as he handed me my receipt. I wished him the same—an exchange that didn’t last more than a few minutes at best, but left me feeling joyful and grateful. I hope it did the same for him.

“Get Together” by the Youngbloods best expresses how my heart felt as I placed my purchases in my truck and headed home.

Love is but a song to sing
Fear’s the way we die
You can make the mountains ring
Or make the angels cry
Though the bird is on the wing
And you may not know why

Come on people now
Smile on your brother
Everybody get together
Try to love one another
Right now

Some may come and some may go
We shall surely pass
When the one that left us here
Returns for us at last
We are but a moment’s sunlight
Fading in the grass

Come on people now
Smile on your brother
Everybody get together
Try to love one another
Right now

If you hear the song I sing
You will understand (listen!)
You hold the key to love and fear
All in your trembling hand
Just one key unlocks them both
It’s there at your command

Come on people now
Smile on your brother
Everybody get together
Try to love one another
Right now

I said, come on people now
Smile on your brother
Everybody get together
Try to love one another
Right now
Right now
Right now

Come on people . . . let’s do this . . . now is the time.