Until I feared I would lose it, I never loved to read. One does not love breathing.
To Kill A Mockingbird
The Gospel
"The Gospel is a process much more than a product ..."
read moreFormless
"Life's longing for itself is a path of grace."
read moreGod Loves You Like That
Jesus’s birth, life, death and resurrection demonstrates that nothing separates us from the love of God.
read moreCatering to Fear
"The most insidious of fear's powers is the ability to lead people to act violently toward themselves and others."
read moreTwo Steps Forward …
"... Those contradictions are in the biblical text itself and presented to you for serious consideration--until you get the point."
read moreMy Times
"My times are in your hand ... save me i your steadfast love.
read moreGrace
" ... one tough question deserves another."
read moreMeditation
Meditation is supposed to help one get to a place where you just notice the thoughts flying through your mind but not attach to them.
read moreTransition
Transition is hard. Whether the change at hand is expected or unexpected, big or small, the process of undergoing a life transition is often emotional and requires a great deal of energy. Alexandra Jacob from The Word in Season
The Gospel
"The Gospel is a process much more than a product ..."
read moreFormless
"Life's longing for itself is a path of grace."
read moreGod Loves You Like That
Jesus’s birth, life, death and resurrection demonstrates that nothing separates us from the love of God.
read moreCatering to Fear
"The most insidious of fear's powers is the ability to lead people to act violently toward themselves and others."
read moreTwo Steps Forward …
"... Those contradictions are in the biblical text itself and presented to you for serious consideration--until you get the point."
read moreMy Times
"My times are in your hand ... save me i your steadfast love.
read moreGrace
" ... one tough question deserves another."
read moreMeditation
Meditation is supposed to help one get to a place where you just notice the thoughts flying through your mind but not attach to them.
read moreTransition
Transition is hard. Whether the change at hand is expected or unexpected, big or small, the process of undergoing a life transition is often emotional and requires a great deal of energy. Alexandra Jacob from The Word in Season
"Love the sinner, hate the sin" ... "exist(s) nowhere in the teachings of Jesus or in the early writings of the Church ..."
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